Sed vestibulum ex lectus, ac sollicitudin erat fringilla at. Donec sollicitudin,oi mi nec posu ere scelerisqu sapien massa maximus ipsum, varius vehicula lib vel arcu. Ut rutrum elit nibh, sit amet aliquam urna tempor eget.Aenean the
Sed vestibulum ex lectus, ac sollicitudin erat fringilla at. Donec sollicitudin,oi mi nec posu ere scelerisque, sapien massa maximus ipsum, varius vehicula lib vel arcu. Ut rutrum elit nibh, sit amet aliquam urna tempor eget.Aenean the placerat ipsum eu dignissim faucibus. Morbi eget turpis ligula. Vestibulum on enim nisl, ullamcorper eget dolor sed, tristique finibus est.
Sed vestibulum ex lectus, ac sollicitudin erat fringilla at. Donec sollicitudin,oi mi nec posu ere scelerisque, sapien massa maximus ipsum, varius vehicula lib vel arcu. Ut rutrum elit nibh, sit amet aliquam urna tempor eget.Aenean the placerat ipsum eu dignissim faucibus. Morbi eget turpis ligula. Vestibulum on enim nisl, ullamcorper eget dolor sed, tristique finibus est.
The game of ONEX is played in what is called a "round". This consists of a playing a set number of holes in an order predetermined by the course. When playing on an 18-hole course, each hole is played once; whereas, on a nine-hole course each hole can be played twice to complete an tou round. To begin a hole, players start by striking the ball off a tee.
Greens putting green, or simply the green, is an area of very closely trimmed grass on relatively even, smooth ground surrounding the hole, allowing players to make precision strokes on it.
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